Google AdWords Remarketing

Address potential clients after they’ve been in contact with your company. User will see your ad when he or she is looking for products and services, visit other websites or work use mobile applications.

Remarketing Types

Regular remarketing

Showing ads to users who previously visited your website, when they visit other websites in the contextual media network or use mobile applications.

Dynamic remarketing

More effective remarketing option, the user sees ads for the products and services that he or she was interested on your website.

Remarketing for mobile applications

Users who visited your mobile website or opened your mobile application see your ads on other mobile websites and mobile applications.

Remarketing lists for search ads

Users who visited your website see your advertisement next to the Google search results.

Video remarketing

Users who watched your videos or your Youtube channel see your advertisement in other Youtube sections, websites and contextual media network, also in applications.

Email address remarketing

You add the email list you received from your clients. When they open Google Search, Youtube or Gmail, you can show them advertisement.

Show the relevant ads to the users who visited your website but didn’t make a purchase, and increase return on your past investments. In the case when the decision making cycle takes a long time this kind of advertisement is a perfect option.

Starts at 50 000 ฿ per each system of contextual advertisement

Support and setup
10% from the advertisement budget, but not less than 10 000฿ per each system of contextual advertisement


Place contextual advertisement with us
and you receive clients right away.

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