SEO of

SEO of
Website address:
Customer: (biggest wedding portal in India according to
Project launch
June 2016

Short list of tasks:

  • Gathered and clustered semantics for all regions. Divided by geo-dependent and geo-independent queries.
  • Market analytics, revealed competition and growth areas
  • Campaign to attract initial audience through carried out – from 0 to over 2 mln subscribers
    90000 clicks per month from advertisement campaigns
    5000 clicks per month from the group
  • Position analytics system configured
  • Algorithm to generate meta tags for categories developed and implemented
  • Algorithm to generate meta tags for vendor pages developed and implemented
  • Over 250 SEO texts written and posted
    Statement of work example
  • Micro markup for category pages and vendors implemented
  • Interlinking system for category pages developed and implemented
  • All the duplicate content found and deleted, constant monitoring of mistakes in the webmaster panel, “HTML Optimization” tab
  • Ongoing research and options to increase the effectiveness of promotion. Last cases: purchasing side projects as position donors for merging; rejection of subdomain structure.
  • Corrections based on the results of analyzing the entire concept and the order of data submission in each section. Mistakes that can cause direct or indirect (through deterioration of behavioral characteristics) negative effect on positions revealed.



Organic traffic growth from 0 to 14500 per month.


Visibility growth, “venues” section as example, from 0% to 17%

Website visibility is the share of site impressions in search engines, which is calculated by the following formula


where ∑ - the sum of values, p – query frequency, k – decreasing position coefficient.

Coefficient is calculated based on the following conditions:

1, 2 and 3rd website positions - k = 1.

4th position - k = 0.85.

5th position - k = 0.60.

6 and 7th positions - k = 0.50.

8 and 9th positions - k = 0.30.

10th position - k = 0.20.

11th position and lower - k = 0.

If the website has over one position in TOP 10, then its visibility may increase 100%.

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