As part of the website promotion, we solve a range of problems, both purely technical and more complex that require serious analytical resources connected to improving business logic and website usability.
For each task, we can offer an optimal cooperation scheme by considering the website and business specifics.
Online stores are the websites that sell goods on the internet. Allow the user to go through all the stages of buying goods online. Online stores have large range of products grouped by the type, brand, key characteristics, etc.
The key parameters determining the success are a price level, and logistics.
Customers are mostly individuals.
Portals are the websites that offer people service to help search for information.
Portals don’t create their own content; it comes from the open sources on the internet, and users create it. Key parameters determining success – content thickness and service quality.
Clients are companies and/or individuals, depending on the monetization model.
Content projects are the websites that create content: news, articles, reviews, etc.
In this type of projects, content is created by professional journalists and analysts. The key parameters determining success are the quality and volume of content.
Customers are mostly companies.
New websites are the websites that have low trust credit from the search system, low content volume and are not very convenient.